3-D Archery range
has a practice range with practice bags . The 30 target course consists of various animal targets ranging from whitetail, turkey, antelope, coyote, black bear, brown bear, javelin, mountain lion, & antelope.
Traditional ,compound and crossbow are are welcome .
Chairman Doug Rollenhagen 269 209-1538
Cowboy Action shooters shoot the third Saturday of every month . Registration is at 8:30 AM, shooting starts around 9 AM.
Chairman Chris Shimmel 231 239-2448
CPL classes are offered in May through November. Basic Pistol class is in April . You must register in order to take any of the classes with Jim Glover 231 907-8330
Hunter safety is offered in April and August each year.
Plaid Shirt Night is the first Saturday in November. Captain tables are available .
Trap & Skeet open shooting hours are on Tuesday's. Skeet 2:30-5:30 and Trap 3:30-6:30.
Saturdays, open Trap & Skeet 9 to noon.
Big Game Award Night is held in February.. Lots of raffles, door prizes and a great meal.
The youth shoot is on the first Saturday of each month from May through August. It's open to anyone, but it's geared toward shooters 15 and under.
We have weekly shoots from 4-6 every Tuesday. Instruction for Ladies shooting, every Monday April thru October at 6 PM. Our formal monthly meeting is the third Thursday of every month.
Member meetings begin at 7:00 on the second Wednesday of each month. Come early for dinner at 6 PM. There's an $10. donation for the meal. The food is good and so is the company.
Mason County Shooting Sports 4-H.
Monday night Ladies shooting is from 6 to 8 pm May through October. The class taught by Jim Glover is open to the public and welcomes women with all shooting skill levels.
Big Gun Night-February 25, 2023
Stay Tuned!
Safety experts agree the single most important step toward ensuring your personal safety is making the conscious decision to Refuse To Be A Victim®.
You stand a much better chance of preventing criminal attack if you develop a safety plan before you
need it. That is why the Refuse To Be A Victim® crime prevention seminar was developed.
It is a program of the National Rifle Association. The seminar teaches easy‑to‑understand methods you can use to increase awareness and prevent criminal confrontation. In just three hours, you will get the tools you need to
develop your own personal safety strategy, including information about:
Time: 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Location: Fin and Feather Club
Cost: $10.00
To register follow the link below: https://www.nrainstructors.org/CourseDetails.aspx?Courseid=541806&seats=20&State=y&SearchState=MI&id=16&bsa=&youth=&women=
For more info call Karen Zimmerman @ 586-291-4806