Armed Women of America is a non-profit organization that
organizes local groups of women around the country that meet
monthly to practice, learn, and grow as shooters. We create
opportunities for women to be introduced to issues important
to women shooters, learn safe gun handling skills and train together and work to expand the world of firearms to women all over the country in a safe, non-threatening way with the purpose of educating Armed, Brave, and Confident Women.
Armed Women of America Meetings are held at the Fin & Feather Club, 3276 North Darr Road, Scottville, MI and are from 6-8 PM. Here is the scheduled for 2025
January 16 February 20 March 20
April 17 May 15 June 19
July 17 August 21 September 18
October 16 November 20 December 18
Armed Women of America exists to enable women exists to enable women to be their own self-protectors, creating freedom, peace of mind and confidence in themselves. For additional information please visit
Purpose: To Educate, To Equip, and To Empower women shooters.
The Armed Women of America is an organization of more than 300 local chapters across the nation focused on introducing women to the world of firearms.
Our mission is to Educate, Equip, and Empower women. as they strive to make important personal choices in their lives. We are women helping women discover passion, develop skills, and build new relationships within our communities.
New or experienced, young or mature, interested in protection or just for fun…come join us!
You can attend your first meeting for free prior to joining. Our local chapter meets at the Fin and Feather Club at 6:00 p.m. on the 3rd Thursday of each month. TWAW Chapter annual dues are only $50!
Phone: 520-404-2285
Range fees are $10 per event unless you join the Fin and Feather Club
See link to join: Fin and Feather Club of Mason County
Contact Your Local Leaders
TWAW Shooting Chapter Mason County, MI
Co-Leaders: Susan McCray-King & Karen Zimmerman
Phone Number: 231-660-1584