My name is Chris Shimmel, and as I am the current President, I would like to welcome you to the all-new Fin and Feather Club of Mason County website.
We hope that all your questions about the club can be answered by moving through each of the listed categories.
The Fin and Feather Club is a family friendly conservation and education club where no member receives any pay. We are strictly a volunteer-driven club where we strive to introduce our youth to the great outdoor sports.
Our club was founded in 1936, by a small group of local people who wisely saw a need for a conservation club to be formed. The same year we became charter members in the Michigan United Conservation Clubs. Our first members paid the sum of 50 cents per year dues. Club meetings were held in a hall in Ludington, as the club had no property or club house. Extra funds were made by members holding plays and charging for entrance.
We now have a club house that we are very proud of and our property consists of 160 acres; plus, we lease an additional 80 acres. We have various shooting ranges to accommodate the interests of our members. Our club reached a milestone this last year by having a membership of over 900 members, and it appears we may add to that amount this year. We keep our membership dues as low as possible in order for persons of all means to afford membership.
To keep up with the needs of our members, a new Trap and Skeet and long range Rifle Ranges are being planned. Time will tell if we can continue to find dedicated people to donate their time and efforts to ensure our club continues to expand and meets the needs of our members. We invite the public to join us in conservation and the shooting sports by becoming Fin and Feather Club members.
The Fin and Feather Club members, by vote, select who will lead and direct the direction and functions of the club. Any member, in good standing with at least one year of membership, can run for office.
Present leadership is shown below.
President: Chris Shimmel (231) 239-2448 e-mail shimmel1894@yahoo.com
1st Vice President Lance Christensen (231) 757-9224 e-mail lancemargie@gmail.com
2nd Vice President Doug Rollenhagen (269) 209-1538 e-mail hagen1538@yahoo.com
Treasure Cindy Gleason (231) 757-3515 e-mail cgleasonff@gmail.coml
Membership Sec. Nita Finch (231) 690-0874 e-mail bearladytwo@live.com
Recording Secretary Dick Herrmann (989) 388-7044 e-mail ddherrmann449@gmail.com
Directors: Dan Engelhardt, Rick Gleason, Mike Hill, Bruce Rosema, David Sanders (terms end January 1st, 2026)
Directors: Russ Bosley, Jim Glover, Diane Zack, Frank Koehle, Larry Scherer (terms end Jan. 1st, 2027)
The club president appoints members to chair the various functions, within the club: (alphabetical order)